Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Every "Witch" Way (9 punishments part I)

Kai and Sarah were your typical brother and sister. They always fought and argued. Kai was a very popular man and rising up the corporate ladder, and Sarah was a very successful twitch streamer. But one day while talking to her crossdresser friends she had an idea. Her plan was to trick Kai into a punishment or maybe nine. Sour Sarah invited Kai over for dinner where she poisoned his meal and said " you can have the antidote if you do me nine things you can't say no too." Kai muttered a yes and Sarah held up her end. Sarah said that he had to crossdresser for her as nine different overwatch characters starting with witch mercy. Before he could say no his clothes were gone and breast forms were being glued on and a new hairstyle was atop his head. Above is the final product.

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